var translations = {"common":{"event":"EduExpo by The Student World","by":"by","loading":"Loading","to-be-announced":"To be announced","starting-in":"Starting in","close":"Close","read-more":"Read more","ok":"Okay","get-you-ticket":"Get your free ticket","check-it-out":"Check it out","see-more":"See more","events_names":{"mexico":"EduExpo by The Student World","brazil":"EduExpo by The Student World","africa":"EduExpo by The Student World","latin-america":"EduExpo by The Student World","india":"EduExpo by The Student World","asia":"EduExpo by The Student World","europe":"EduExpo by The Student World","tsw-africa":"EduExpo by The Student World","tsw-india":"EduExpo by The Student World"},"share":"Share","faq":{"1":" How does the event work?","1r":"The virtual fair works like a physical event and the best part is that you can do all from home! On the platform, you will be able to visit the booth of each educational institution to see more information about them and, best of all, to CHAT LIVE directly with their representatives through audio and video calls.","2":"Is the event free?","2r":"Yes, this is a free online event created to connect you to educational institutions across Canada. To save your spot, you just need to register on this website and access the platform on the day and time of the virtual fair.","3":"Are there any scholarships?","3r":"Each educational institution has its own payment terms, prices and opportunities. You will be able to clear all your doubts on this topic during the event directly with the representatives of the educational institutions of interest.","4":" Where is my login information?","4r":"After registering for the event, you\u00b4ll receive an email with your login information. Check your inbox and SPAM. If not, click on \"forgot my password\" and enter the email you used to register to generate a new password.","5":"Can I reset my password?","5r":"Yes! If you forgot your password, click on \u201clogin\u201d and then select \"forgot my password\". Insert the email you used to register for the event. You will receive a message in the same email address with instructions to reset your password.","6":"Can I attend the event later?","6r":"The fair schedule is free and the login area will be available during the whole event. You might choose to log in whenever is most convenient for you. We recommend not accessing the platform too late to give you enough time to check all the institutions and clarify your questions.","7":"How can I look for specific programmes?","7r":"As soon as you have logged into the platform, you will see a smart search engine that will enable you to look for institutions according to your own preferences. You will be able to search institutions by their names, type of programmes, courses and\/or locations, and also to save your favorites to review them later. ","8":"How do I keep in touch with an institution after the event?","8r":"By registering for this Virtual Fair, you have automatically created an account at, the largest social network for studying abroad in the world. The history of the conversations you have during the event will be available there and you can access it using the same login information as your EduCanada Virtual Fair one. "},"eduexpos_modal":{"title":"Great news","copy":"EduExpo and The Student World are now together forming the largest study abroad event in the world.","cta":"Go to the website"},"events":{"hero":{"heading":"The Student World Events<\/span>","copy":"Meet the admission directors of the institutions you seek at our official events."},"about-the-event":"About the event","events-in":"Events in ","search":{"submit":"Find","placeholder":"Search events by city\u2026"},"exhibitors":"Exhibitors:"},"credential":{"hero":{"heading":"Here's your Free Ticket<\/span>","copy":"You have successfully registered to attend the EduExpo by The Student World event!
\n Present your ticket at the event's reception to collect your badge and access the fair."},"about-the-event":"About the event","events-in":"Events in "},"exhibitors":{"title":"Exhibitors","copy":"Read more about the education institutions and government organisations that will be available online to chat with you during the fair"},"exhibitors-educanada":{"title":"institutions available to chat with you","copy":"Find below the exhibitors that will be in this event and check more details by clicking on each one."},"seminars":{"title":"Seminars","copy":"Check below the full schedule of seminars that are taking place during the event.","language":"Language","duration":"Duration"},"countdown-cta":{"heading":"EduExpo<\/span> by The Student World"},"all-you-need":{"heading":"One Day,
All you need","copy":"EduExpo by The Student World is the most prestigious study abroad event in the world, organized across 28 countries on 5 continents","informative":{"title":"Informative","desc":"Have all your questions answered on programs, application processes, fees and more."},"trustworthy":{"title":"Trustworthy","desc":"An official event supported by Governments across the world."},"exclusive":{"title":"Exclusive","desc":"Benefit from special offers and great deals."}},"our-events":{"heading":"Our events<\/span> per year","events":"Events","visitors":"Visitors","exhibitors":"Exhibitors","cities":"Cities"},"people-going":{"heading":"People going"},"footer":{"pp":"Privacy Policy","all-rights-reserved":"All rights reserved"},"chat":{"heading":"Chat with us"},"social":{"heading":"Follow us"},"programs-offered":"Programs Offered","profile-types":{"Language":"Language","Undergrad":"Undergrad","Secondary":"Secondary","Short-Term":"Short-Term","Postgrad":"Postgrad","MBA":"MBA","Vocational":"Vocational","Online":"Online"},"countdown":["Years","Months","Weeks","Days","Hours","Min","Sec"]},"facebook":{"connect-accounts":"Merge accounts","facebook-connection":"Facebook Merge","description":"Enter your password for the login email below"},"home":{"hero":{"heading":"EduExpo<\/span> by The Student World","copy":"Find all the information you need about studying abroad. Meet the admission directors of the institutions you seek at our official event."}},"menu":{"home":"Home","about":"About","exhibitors":"Exhibitors","seminars":"Seminars","events":"Events","profile":"Profile","login":"Login","logout":"Logout"},"registration":{"registration":"Registration","register-now":"Register now","register-free":"Register free","register-for-free":"Register","register-free-now":"Register free now","enter":"Enter","sign-up-now":"Sign up now","tickets":"Register free","next":"Next","nationality":"Country of citizenship?","email":"Email","first-name":"First Name","last-name":"Last Name","date-of-birth":"Date of Birth","day":"Day","month":"Month","year":"Year","country-code":"Country Code","phone":"Mobile Phone Number","phone_tooltip":"Your phone is to remind you of the event.","which-course":"Which course do you want to study?","password":"Create a Password","new-password":"New password","how-to-pay":"How do you plan to afford your studies?","how-much-invest":"How much are you planning to invest (USD)?","checkbox":{"i-agree":"I agree to the Privacy Policy<\/b><\/a>","newsletter":"I want to receive emails from The Student World","i-agree-private":"I agree to the Privacy Policy<\/b><\/a> of The Student World"},"what-study":"What do you want to study? (Select up to two)","select-fields-interest":"Select your fields of interest for the programs below:","city":"City where you live? Type the city, and choose from the dropdown","placeholders":{"name":"Name","email":"Email","password":"Password","city":"City where you live? Type the city, and choose from the dropdown","courses":"Type the course that you are interested with","languages":"Enter the language you are interested in"},"step2":{"save":"Save","no-save":"No Thanks"},"pending":"Your registration is under analysis","registered":"Your registration is confirmed","select":"Select","select-all":"Select all","deselect-all":"Deselect all","receive-emails":"I would like to receive emails about:","forgot-password":"Forgot my password","email-message":"Type your email and we will send you a new password.","forgot-password-success":"Your new password was sent to:","forgot-password-error":"This email does not appear in our database, please type again.","send":"Send","update":"Update","incomplete-fields":{"h1":"Register","h2":"You need to fill all fields to finish your registration for this event."},"yes":"Yes","no":"No","view-print-invitation":"Ticket","email-notifications":"Email Notifications","newsletter-promotions":"Special Offers and promotions from schools and partners","newsletter-expo":"Invitations for study abroad fairs and seminars.","newsletter-news":"General educational news and visa regulations.","sms-notifications":"SMS & WhatsApp notifications","courses":{"secondary":"High School","language-programs":"Language Program","undergrad":"Undergrad","master":"Master\u2019s Degree","phd":"PhD Degree","short-courses-certificates":"Short Courses \/ Certificates","mba":"MBA"},"check_message":"We noticed that you already have an account with us.
Please enter your password below to sign up for the event.","step_2":{"success":{"great":"Great!","thanks":"Thanks","message_1":"We have just sent you an email with your login details.","message_2":"(Don\u2019t see it? Check the SPAM folder)"},"pending":{"pending":"Under analysis","sorry":"Sorry","message_1":"We could not confirm you registration now.
Our team will be analysing and you should be notified soon.","message_2":"Meanwhile, help us find the institutions that offers what you you are looking for "},"message_3":":name, help us find the institutions that offer what you are looking for by
answering the extra questions below:<\/p>"},"slots":{"title":"Hours available","description":"Please select the time you want to enter the event."},"universities_registration":"I WANT TO EXHIBIT"},"share":{"share":"Share","meta-title":"EduExpo by The Student World","meta-desc":"Check this out! A one-stop event with all the information we need to study abroad. Last free tickets available!","twitter-text":"Check this out! A one-stop event with all the information we need to study abroad. Last free tickets available!","exhibitors":"Check this out. This is the institution I was telling you about. Their directors will be at EduExpo by The Student World event!","workshops":"Check this out. This presentation is taking place at EduExpo by The Student World event!"},"user":{"inactive":{"text":"The email used when you created your account :email has not yet been confirmed.","text1":"In order to proceed, it is necessary that you confirm the email by clicking on the link sent to your inbox.","text2":"If you have not received our email, please check your spam box or click here<\/span> to receive a new one.","success":"Your confirmation email was sent successfully"},"pending":{"title":"REGISTRATION RECEIVED","line1":":p, We have received your registration, thanks.","line2":"There are three reasons why your registration is Pending:","line3":"1. Maybe your profile is not completed.","line4":"2. Maybe the fair you have registered for does not have exhibitors offering what you have indicated you are looking for.","line5":"3. Maybe the fair you have registered for have already received the maximum number of registrations.","line6":"Please do not register again.","line7":"All Pending registrations will be reviewed by our team and there is a good chance for you to get a confirmation.","line8":"In the meantime we recommend you login to your account by entering your email and the password you have chosen at registration and complete your profile.","line9":"Schools will be looking at students profiles and if they like yours they can also get you confirmed to the event.","line10":"","line11":"Last but not least, feel free to watch several great past
online seminars<\/a> ( eduwebinars ) on studying abroad."}},"validations":{"loading":"Loading...","alert_required_fields":"Please complete all the required fields.","field_required":"This field is required.","fields_required":"All fields are required.","username_in_use":"This username is already in use","email_in_use":"This email is already in use.","valid_email":"Please enter a valid email address.","email_invalid_char":"You have entered an invalid character. Use ONLY western letters and numbers. Do NOT use spaces.","you-have-account":"It appears you already have an account. Click here<\/a> to login and finish your registration.","email_already_subscribed":"Email already subscribed.","try_again":"An error occurred. Please try again.","email_subscribed":"Thank you for subscribing.","invalid_phone_number":"Invalid phone number.","n_chars":"Please enter at least {0} characters","n_chars_max":"Please enter no more than {0} characters.","same_value":"Please enter the same value again.","four_levels":"You may choose up to 4 levels of study you're interested in.","no_records":"We do not have any records matching.","password_sent":"Your new password has been sent to.","more_than_eighteen":"You are over 18 years old and you may not pick secondary programs as a level of study of interest. If you are a parent please check the appropriate box.","error_creating_user":"There was an error while creating your registration.","error_updating_user":"There was an error while updating your account.","success_updating_user":"Your account has been updated successfully.","login_incorrect":"Could not login with this email and password combination.","unknown_error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later.","invalid_password":"Your password must contain at least one number and one special character.","invalid_xsrf_token":"Your session has expired. Please refresh the page and try again.","event-full":"Hi :student_name,

The event is full right now.

See you soon!","pending":"It's almost time!

Due to the high number of subscribers with the same interests as yours, we could not confirm your registration for this event. But, don't worry: you will be able to access the platform from the time below:<\/p>

:slot (:timezone)<\/p>","pending2":"Ooops... We are sorry, but your registration for this event was not confirmed. We reached the maximum number of subscribers with the same interests as yours. But don't worry: soon we will announce new events.","slot_not_opened":"It's almost time!

You will be able to access the fair at the time you chose when you registered for the event:<\/p>

:slot (:timezone)<\/>","cybersession_time_limit_access":"As you have not booked any sessions with institutions here today, you will only be able to access the platform in the last hour of the event, when you can explore the immersive virtual booths of all institutions and watch any talks available. Please log back in at :time"},"virtual\/tsw-matching":{"back":"Back","next":"Next","up-to-2":"Up to 2","up-to-3":"up to 3","up-to-6":"up to 6","not-relevant":"Not Relevant","share":"SHARE","match":"MATCH","share-this-opportunity":"Share this opportunity","no-more-slots":"No more slots available.","join-waitlist":"Join waitlist","remove-agenda":"Are you sure you want to remove this session from your agenda?","remove-agenda-text":"You won't be able to participate in this session, but you can pick another one.","step-10-m":"Magic in action...","step-10":"Matching Institutions with your profile...","programs":{"text-1":"Great!<\/strong> Now the cool part!","text-2":"We're almost there! To finish your registration, let's find out which schools and universities are your best match. It takes less than a minute now and saves you hours of research later!","text-3":"Let's Match!","title":"What type of program are you looking for?","options":{"boarding":{"name":"Secondary","detail":"High School & Boarding Schools"},"university":{"name":"Undergraduate","detail":"Bachelor's, Technical & associate degrees"},"graduate":{"name":"Postgraduate","detail":"Master's & Doctoral degrees"},"mba":{"name":"MBA","detail":"MBA programs"},"extension":{"name":"Certificate","detail":"Short-term programs"},"language":{"name":"Languages","detail":"Learn or improve a language abroad"}},"more_than_eighteen":{"text1":"You are over 18 years old and do not qualify for this program type (High School \/ Boarding School).","text2":"If you are a parent, please ignore this message.","choose_other":"Select a different program","continue":"Continue"}},"languages":{"title":"In which language do you want to study?","title2":"Which language do you want to study?"},"countries":{"title":"Where would you like to study?","subtitle":"There's a whole world to explore out there, so tell us:"},"field-study":{"title":"Great!<\/b> Now, tell us your area of interest.","subtitle":"Which field of study are you interested in?"},"study":{"title":"What would you like to study?","subtitle":"Great!<\/b> Now, tell us your area of interest.","empty-badge":"You need to select at least 1 study area"},"budget":{"title":{"boarding":"What is your tuition budget per year?","university":"What is your tuition budget per year?","graduate":"What is your tuition budget per year?","extension":"What is your tuition budget per program?","language":"What is your tuition budget for a 4 week program?","mba":"What is your tuition budget per program?"},"label":"Amount in US Dollars","subtitle":"In terms of investment","footer":"Please consider only your tuition fees,<\/b> not the travel, accommodation, books, medical insurance, etc"},"work-while-study":{"title":"Is it essential for you to work while studying?","subtitle":"Since we are talking about money...","options":{"1":{"icon":"yes.png","text":"Yes"},"0":{"icon":"no.png","text":"No"}}},"need-career-guidance":{"title":"Would you like to hear from them?","subtitle":"We have trusted partners who can provide you with valuable advice and experiences in career guidance & possible internship opportunities<\/span>.","options":{"1":{"icon":"yes.png","text":"Yes"},"0":{"icon":"no.png","text":"No"}}},"work-after-graduation":{"title":"Do you plan to stay after your program to acquire professional experience?","subtitle":"And what about after studying?","options":{"1":{"icon":"yes.png","text":"Yes"},"0":{"icon":"no.png","text":"No"},"-1":{"icon":"essencial.png","text":"Not Essential"}}},"schools":{"title":"Choose the best school size for you","subtitle":"and finally...","items":{"1":{"name":"Small","desc":"Up to 5000 total students"},"2":{"name":"Medium","desc":"Between 5000 and 20000 students"},"3":{"name":"Large","desc":"More then 20000 students"}}},"session_agenda":"Your Session Agenda","title_fill":"Auto-fill agenda?","desc_fill":"Would you like The Student World to automatically book the sessions that fit you best?","fill_no":"No, I\u2019ll do it","fill_yes":"Yes please!","title_topic":"Your top topics","desc_topic":"Select up to 3 that are most important for you. The institutional representatives will do their best to cover them during the 15-min session.","cancel":"Cancel","confirm":"Confirm","remove":"Remove","agenda":"Your agenda","choose_session":"Choose your session","add_session":"Add Session","about":"About","tab-programs":"Programs","tab-affordability":"Affordability","tab-match":"Your Match","tab-meet-us":"Meet Us","auto_fill":{"title":"Great news!","text":"You're booked for multiple sessions. Take a look at your agenda and feel free to make any changes. The institutions are aware that you'll be attending their sessions. Don't miss out! Looking forward to seeing you there."},"waitlist":{"title":"Waitlist Confirmed!","text":"Thanks for joining the :name session waitlist. If slots open before the event, we'll email you."},"slot":{"title":"Session confirmed","text":":name has arranged this session specifically for you and expects to connect on the day. So see you there! \ud83d\udc4d"},"matches":{"title":"Book info sessions<\/span> with your best Matches<\/span>","title-released":":student_name, you're ready for the :event_name<\/span>","text-1":"Here are your matched exhibitors. Two weeks before the event, we'll remind you to reserve your spot for your chosen sessions and explore the exhibitors offerings. They'll ALSO be available at their virtual booths to answer questions.
The Student World is your partner in discovering your dream program abroad.
See you at :event_name.","text-1-released":"Your institution matches below are tailored to the unique preferences you just told us about. Check them out and start planning which ones you want to meet!<\/b>

At the fair, you'll be able to explore each institution's booth, viewing\/saving their materials, and engage in live chats with admissions staff over text, audio and video. The Student World: helping you Study Anywhere.","text-2":" ","text-22":" ","text-3":" ","discover":"Discover","local-time":"Your Local Time","add-calendar":"Add to calendar","meet-us":"Meet us"},"reverse-matches":{"title":"Your Best Matches","text-1":"Get ready to connect with them!
Here are the best institutions based on your answers. Use your time during the Postgraduate Online Fair to talk LIVE to them and discover why they might be the perfect option for you!"},"on-unload":{"title":"Aren't you curious?<\/b","subtitle":"We can't wait to connect you with the institution of your dreams. Keep going! You are almost there!","lets-continue":"Let's continue"},"result":{"video":{"title":"Scanning all the options...","its_match":"It\u2019s a Match!","finding":"Finding your best matches "}},"disciplines":{"title":"Which field of study are you interested in?","subtitle":"Great!<\/b> Now, tell us your area of interest.","items":{"1":"Agriculture & Forestry","2":"Applied Sciences & Professions","3":"Arts, Design & Architecture","4":"Business & Management","5":"Computer Science & IT","6":"Education & Training","7":"Engineering & Technology","8":"Environmental Studies & Earth Sciences","9":"Hospitality, Leisure & Sports","10":"Humanities","11":"Journalism & Media","12":"Law","13":"Medicine & Health","14":"Natural Sciences & Mathematics","15":"Social Sciences"}}}} function translate(key) { var value = walkObject(translations, key); return value ? value : ''; } function walkObject( obj, path ) { var parts = path.split("."), i=0, part; while (obj && (part=parts[i++])) obj=obj[part]; return obj; }